Archive | June, 2012

Some Kind of Dare - Button Willow Locomotive

06 Jun

Button Willow Locomotive came into the Meyer Sound Design Studio in June 2012 to record a demo of a new song of theirs. I was producer and recording engineer.

Alex Heflin: mandolin, backup vocals
Amanda Carson: lead vocals, guitar
Albert Law: drums
Kyle Gustafson: bass


​We recorded the song in one Saturday afternoon, and had a lot of fun during the session.  We tracked bass, mandolin, and drums together, then added in guitar and vocals. I then mixed the song on the studio’s ProTools 9 D-Command rig.  The lead vocal effect is done with the Waves HMX Harmonics Generator… a goto plugin for me when I want a rich lush sound.  Have a Listen!


BWL Drumset
BWL Drumset
Guitar Recording Setup - KM184
Mandolin Recording Setup - KM184
Vocal Setup - U89
Vocal Setup - U89